New Beginnings
December 24, 2023Findash Release v1.1.0
January 9, 2024Findash v1.0
Introducing Findash:
The Ultimate Financial Management Platform for Fund Managers and Investors
We are excited to announce the launch of Findash, a state-of-the-art financial management platform designed to transform how fund managers and investors handle their portfolios.

Key Features
Login and Authentication
- Login with 2FA
- User registration
- Forgot password
- Change password
Overview Module
- Dashboard page with overall status (Investors , Portfolios with performance graph, Transactions)
- Dark mode and light mode
- Mobile responsiveness
- Multiple language support (currently supports - English , German , Spanish , Japanese , Chinese, Thai and Malay)
Reports Module
- Ability to view all downloaded reports
- Ability to sort based on dates
- Ability to download listed reports
Assets Module
- Listing
- Generate report
- Add asset with dynamic fields
- Enable /Disable asset
- Details
- Show details with linked trading pair listing
- Link a trading pair
- Download template for Market price history and upload the same bulk file with locale time support
- Edit asset details
- Upload MAS exchange file
- Upload Market Price
- Details
- Details with details, historical graph
- Option to upload historical MP
KYC Module
- KYC (Know Your Customer) Module
- Utilizes Advanced AES Encryption for data security
- Entire KYC flow is password protected
- Supports video kyc acknowledgment
- Approval restricted to compliance manager
- Comprehensive history flow for tracking changes and actions within the system
- Supports custom form templates
Portfolio Module
- Portfolio Listing
- View a comprehensive list of all portfolios
- Display top gainers and top losers within the portfolio selection
- Option to generate report of portfolio listing
- Portfolio Details
- Generate report
- Create single transactions
- Upload bulk transactions
- Overall Portfolio Info
- History graph
- Diversification
- Portfolio asset listing and its details
- Transactions listing
Transaction Module
- Listing
- Generate report
- Upload bulk transactions
- Transaction details
Invoice Module
- Listing of all invoices with its details with preview page and edit option
- Ability to create new invoice
- Advanced filter
Team Module
- List all users
- Create a new user
- Option to enable and disable user
- Edit user details
Settings Module
- Change password
- Login history with date sorting
Investor Module
Investor listing
- Investor listing with Advanced query module for effective searching and pagination
- Investor diversification graph
- Investors list report download
- Creation of investor with advanced form that supports dynamic fields with templates
Investor details
- All the details are arranged to tabs
- Ability to update account code
- Investor details
- Ability to view all details
- Notes Management
- Ability to create, delete, and edit multiple notes for each investor
- Portfolio management
- Ability to view the list of portfolios under the same investor
- Add portfolio with a form
- Invoice management
- Ability to view the list of invoices under the same investor
- Add an invoice with a form
- Transaction management
- Ability to view the list of transactions under the same investor
- KYC (Know Your Customer) Management
- Ability to view the list of KYCs initialized under the same investor
- Initialize a new KYC